People I met #1: The one not looking for friends

I am finally starting this. I wanted to share some stories about people I met, who either got a special place in my heart, or became a big part of my life, or who had influenced smaller or bigger changes in me…

First one is the one who I met not too long ago. The first time I saw this person I thought: “This is definitely a loner”. We walked same paths for couple of months before exchanging the first conversation…and then we chatted quite often.I remember at some point, we had an interesting conversation about first impressions, and I mentioned that he seems like somebody who prefers no company. He said that he is “not looking for friends”. He is perfectly happy with the ones he has. At that moment I understood that I am quite lucky to have this person around.

Not because he is not looking for friends. But because he dared to say what many people think, yet keep to themselves – “We can have the best/most open-hearted conversation ever, but that does not mean, we will become BFF’s after that…” Well, maybe not in those particular words, but the idea is the same.

Little more about this person:  He is into fashion. He is a twin. He smiles like a kid, yet as soon as he gets into conversation…The kid is out- all that’s left: seriousness ball. His favorite quotes(translated): “For f*** sake!”, “Of course (man)!”…


PS: If you were told about more interesting people, what would you want to read about them?

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